Where's Terry?

Where's Terry?
Where's Terry? Portland, OR to Fort St John BC and Grand Prairie ALB Canada

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Keon - an inspiration

Keon has figured out how to make his leg cast a "walking cast". He has accepted the casts with very little complaining and just figures out how to do what he wants the best he can. He gets around the house amazingly fast and has discovered that in a real pinch the arm cast can be used to "bonk" a bigger brother. Thankfully he does not use that trick too often! He loves to go for rides in the stroller and has accepted his circumstances with remarkable grace. He has been able to show this Granma to not dwell on the negative and to just do the best you can to continually "move forward" and make progress. In the pictures he is playing frizbee with Grandpa. He truly is an INSPIRATION.

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